Tuesday, May 25, 2010

One side will make you grow taller...

All the fancy toys money can buy don't add up to the simple pleasures that can be had in you own backyard. Our neighbors, Haley & Erica picked some wild mushrooms with their Grandma and just had to come over and share them.
They loved the texture of the different caps and their long stems.

They played for ages and then chased each other around the lawn barefoot.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Preparing the Land for Our New Garden

A rewarding lunch menu for all our hard work...
Fresh Squeezed Strawberry Lemonade

Ravioli and sweet potatoes on top of mixed greens with organic chives from a friend's local farm drizzled with extra virgin olive oil
And homemade pizza made on the grill topped with tomato sauce, red peppers, leftover roasted chicken and fresh basil from our herb garden.